Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Rouleau Gallery is an online shop that caters to all chiq Clients around the metro. As newbies in the fashion industry we will be focusing more on dresses with affordable prices.

History of Rouleau Gallery

This business started out as a joke. Everyone was dubious towards us when we were brain storming. Earning money is a water loo to everyone but then we realize, not everyone of course. There are clients who would spend much on fashion. Especially those who are passionate for fashion and fashion investors. People like celebrities, fashion designers, models, fash-bloggers and fashion queens at heart. Rouleau Gallery may have started out as a joke but then business is still business and it goes and goes for as long as we focus on it. Our main goal is to make Philippines the fashion center of South-East Asia and without the help of our fellow Filipinos this will be a null dream.

What's with the hair rollers?

Hair rollers makes our company rolling. It is our Trademark and most of all it adds an accent to an otherwise boring picture. Rouleau is a french word for rollers which makes sense because it is also our company name.

Who is behind Rouleau?

The people behind Rouleau Gallery wants to remain anonymous, but who knows? maybe someday they'll show themselves out.

Clue: (2) two over-achieving ladies. Employees of a well known education-related company. Graduates from prestigious schools and they are online for 25Hrs that will assure you of a 100% attention that you would require.

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